Vicki Windman, a special education teacher at Clarkstown High School South, made a list of iPhone and iPad Apps she considers useful in the writing process. According to her "writing is a skill that many students struggle with, from grammar, idiom and spelling to punctuation and footnotes". Build A Word Easy Spelling is one of the apps she mentioned:
In The Teachers' Lounge: Time for Another App Give-Away: It's been a while since I've done a give-away. You know how I love the iPad and the great Apps available to support teaching and learning.... The first has Memory Game: Addition and Memory Game: Subtraction. The second set has Memory Game: Multiplication and Memory Game: Division. To enter to win simply visit my Teachers Notebook Shop and take a peek at some of my items. Then leave a comment here telling me which item is your favorite (and which set you'd like win). That's it! If you want an extra entry, you can sign up to follow my blog and leave a comment for that as well. Entry opportunities will close on Wed. Sept, 28th and announced on Thursday, the 29th. There will be 6 winners for each set. 12 winners in all! ;-)
PRESS RELEASE (San Diego, September 2011): An educational game for children called Memory Game: Multiplication has been released recently. The app is intended for younger students who have just been introduced to multiplication, but also for those who need to brush up their memory. The application is a great tool for building a good foundation for math that today’s school curriculum requires. It is considered far better tool than plain flashcards. A student becomes a faster player with every new game. The application also represents a classic matching game traditionally used to build cognitive skills.
Memory Game: Multiplication
In this application a child must use his / her cognitive memory skills to remember where the cards are in order to reveal matching pairs. A significant advantage of this particular memory game is that the child is expected to calculate each mathematical expression to be able to connect it to its result. There are several features of this game.
*great tool for learning multiplication accurately and quickly
*single-player or two-player mode
*three levels (<100)
*choice of number of cards
*timing and scoring displayed
*winner may be rewarded with an extra game of dinosaurs
*child-friendly interface with appealing visual and audio effects
Apart from the application’s significant contribution in helping children multiply numbers accurately and quickly, Memory Game Multiplication is also a great tool for developing cognitive skills such as: